Climate-Driven Changes of Global Marine Mercury Cycles in 2100

Climate-Driven Changes of Global Marine Mercury Cycles in 2100

Yujuan Wang
Yujuan Wang
Peipei Wu
Yanxu Zhang
· 1 min read
Schematic representation of the effects of climate change impacts on marine mercury cycling. Schematic representation of the effects of climate change impacts on marine mercury cycling.
Human exposure to monomethylmercury ($CH_{3}Hg$), a potent neurotoxin, is principally through the consumption of seafood. The formation of $CH_{3}Hg$ and its bioaccumulation in marine food webs experience ongoing impacts of global climate warming and ocean biogeochemistry alterations. Employing a series of sensitivity experiments, here we explicitly consider the effects of climate change on marine mercury (Hg) cycling within a global ocean model in the hypothesized twenty-first century under the business-as-usual scenario. Even though the overall prediction is subjected to significant uncertainty, we identify several important climate change impact pathways. Elevated seawater temperature exacerbates elemental Hg (Hg0) evasion, while decreased surface wind speed reduces air-sea exchange rates. The reduced export of particulate organic carbon shrinks the pool of potentially bioavailable divalent Hg (HgII) that can be methylated in the subsurface ocean, where shallower remineralization depth associated with lower productivity causes impairment of methylation activity. We also simulate an increase in $CH_{3}Hg$ photodemethylation potential caused by increased incident shortwave radiation and less attenuation by decreased sea ice and chlorophyll. The model suggests that these impacts can also be propagated to the $CH_{3}Hg$ concentration in the base of the marine food web. Our results offer insight into synergisms/antagonisms in the marine Hg cycling among different climate change stressors.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences